As an artist, those who choose to limit their means will discover more and more possibilities within…

As an artist, those who choose to limit their means will discover more and more possibilities within them. Carina Ellemers (1965) is a painter without paint. That is not entirely true, for now and then she does apply a little paint to her canvases, but more to emphasize that the canvas can do without it. You can hardly catch her making pictures. That is not to say that her work is abstract. As a material, the canvas is primarily what it is and thus a confirmation of what we see. At the same time, as a painting it is a negation of what we think we perceive. It is always more than that. She practices a form of painting where she gets the most out of the least possible.

Alex de Vries | writer curator
Studio Visit: Carina Ellemers – A painter without paint | Mister Motley Sept. 23, 2019